Wednesday, April 30, 2008






我们一大伙早上乘船出发到3个小岛观光,还为上船就必须付上 RM55,那可理所当然,但我们一到了那岛屿又必须另附入门费,付了钱一入门又有工作人员促销一些旅游配套,我们也选了其中一个那就是观看珊瑚。。。 哈哈一大早就不停的付钱,他们也真会善用资源,为何我们槟城有关当局就不会善用呢?是否要婆罗洲的人来教我们的政府或有关当局???

这次也是我人生中飞得最高的一次。。。 哈哈哈! 我和几个朋友一一的座了海面降落伞兜游。。从高空上望下那无边无际的海洋与景色果然舒服极了。好了就写到这。

Thursday, April 24, 2008

War after Election... hehehe never ending

李永杰 4月24日 下午2点04分










李家全在本周日接受槟州首席部长林冠英委任出掌两个负责规划槟州经济的要职,即槟州发展机构(PDC)董事,以及投资槟城(Invest Penang)董事兼执行委员会主席。李家全接受槟州人民联盟政府的委任,震撼了国阵及民政党,恐怕将会引发其他国阵领袖和党员蝉过别枝的骨牌效应。




他说,不需要民政出手,行动党内部便会有压力要求他放下“忠心的民政党员”这样的身份。巫统喉舌《新海峡时报》昨日报道,民主行动党主席卡巴星. 公开反对林冠英委任李家全出任两槟州要职的决定,并说这个举动并不可靠。










Only Party Gerakan Leader Capable???

郭史光庆 4月24日 下午4点05分






前民政党副总秘书李家全在本周日接受林冠英委任出掌两个负责规划槟州经济的要职,即槟州发展机构(PDC)董事,以及投资槟城(Invest Penang)董事兼执行委员会主席。李家全接受槟州人民联盟政府的委任,震撼了国阵及民政党,恐怕会引发其他国阵领袖和党员蝉过别枝的骨牌效应。


DAP Led Government is that mean that beside Party Gerakan Leader then no others better capable Penangite?? why must Lee Kah Choon??

Who Is DAP Leader actually????

DAP's President (Tiger) have something to said.... why President of Party disagree but still can appoint? Maybe this call Democratic, because President got no right to interfere DAP Led Government Decision..... before election when the DAP Sec Gen Lim Guan Eng make announcement for DAP candidate, he said "Party Grassroots need Party Leadership to come Penang to Lead Penang Team for the 12th General Election", I got a question here .... He-he actually the Party President who reside at Penang he not a Leader?? Or only Sec Gen only eligible call as "LEADER". Now even our Dare to Speak DAP Deputy Sec Gen also no comment on LKC issue. ha-ha now our DAP's Leadership start learn to be Ruling party, like MCA, MIC & Gerakan listen to LEADERSHIP..... WHAT SAID YOU????

Now you See...... Now you Don't

on 23 Apr Paper Dato Lee Kah Choon's said that he still Party Gerakan's Member...... but on 24 Apr paper unfortunately our Ex Parliament Secretary who is DAP Led Government PDC Directory and Invest Penang Executive Chairman resign as member from Party Gerakan. WHAT SAID YOU??

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


中国报 April 17, 2008 18:05
專訪:和碧君、林愛珊 專訪人物:拿督斯里謝寬泰民政黨總秘書

希望選民在下屆大選,再給民政黨翻身機會。政黨總秘書拿督斯里謝寬泰坦承,該黨高調處理檳州首席部長人選課題,是黨失去檳州政權一大敗筆。 他說,民政黨在第十二屆全國大選,失去締造馬來西亞人社會的領導隊伍。 他補充,據民政黨對本屆大選敗因剖析,過去2年發生的事件,包括巫青團領袖在巫統大會舉劍、興都權益行動委員會示威行動、興都廟被令拆除、死者家屬爭領屍體以及司法醜聞事件,都是導致民政黨在本屆大選兵敗如山倒,國陣失去多州執政權的因素。 "短短2年內發生這么多傷害友族同胞感受的事件,已令人民反感,最終導致民政黨失去檳州政權,國陣也失去5個州執政權。"

本屆大選期間,謝寬泰與民政黨副主席拿督丁福南、副總秘書拿督李家全以及鄧章耀,都被列為檳州首長熱門人選;不過,謝寬泰最后沒有"入榜"。 有傳言指謝寬泰在升旗山最終沒有棄國攻州,而其弟謝隆泰受委在丹絨武雅州議席上陣,是作為他沒有機會出任首長的交換條件,惟謝寬泰否認此交換條件的傳言。 "事情已經過去,我也不想提。我認為民政黨敗陣有很多因素,首長人選是其中一個因素。" 政治空間越來越寬鼓勵黨員敢敢講 寬泰說,民政黨副總秘書拿督李家全呈辭,也掀起"敢講、敢建議"新作風。 "我希望黨員可提出黨內問題,然后討論和解決。"

他也希望黨中央可以權力下放給各州基層,讓他們針對各種黨內問題及時事課題發言。 "我們現在是以反對黨身分立足,在發現(檳州)政府做得不對之處,就應提出來。"

他說,政治是長遠斗爭,並不是為了大選或官職,相反的,是為了政治理想和宗旨。 各自解決內部問題友黨關係暫擱一旁

"各政黨都有他們的問題,民政黨要重建、巫統有領袖問題,大家要先解決各自問題;因此大選后,大家都未關注彼此關係的問題。" 對于反對黨提出巫統在國陣一黨獨大問題,謝寬泰認為,基于我國是多元種族關係,加上歷史背景考量,許多問題都需通過協商解決。 "在建立公民社會課題上,領袖必須成熟、互相尊重、瞭解各族優缺點。"


謝寬泰認為,以謾罵叫囂方式爭取權益,非民政黨斗爭方式。 組聯合政府非易事讓民行嚐執政滋味 寬泰諷刺民主行動黨以前常指責民政黨,惟行動黨如今執政檳州后,才知道組成聯合政府並非易事。 "他們(行動黨)現在才瞭解到,無論什么問題,都應坐下來討論。現在他們也是採用國陣方式。"

謝寬泰指出,雖然行動黨在霹靂和雪蘭莪,贏得更多議席,可是為何卻讓"小弟"政黨議員當州務大臣? 他語帶雙關說:"行動黨與人民公正黨及回教黨組成人民聯盟后,如今才知誰才是民聯的'大哥'。"

此外,謝寬泰指出,當年民政黨在檳州執政時,行動黨要他們針對各種課題解釋,但如今行動黨當了州政府,竟然也還要身為反對黨的前朝政府解釋。 謝寬泰說,他會給行動黨一些時間表現后才批評。 他說,民聯如今還處于"蜜月期",但他相信這段蜜月期不會超過100天。

"民政黨應該延續原本政治斗爭目標,同時希望能夠影響國陣成員黨,使他們比較開明、民主及擁有更好的政治文化。" 謝寬泰針對民政黨基層較早前建議舉行公投,以決定黨應否繼續留在國陣一事,這么回應。 他說,民政黨是民主、開明及政治發言空間很寬的政黨,黨員發言並不會受到阻礙。

謝寬泰坦承,民政黨本屆大選在檳州慘敗,猶如遭"連根拔起"情況,是很苦的經歷。 他說,民政黨當初創黨時,是從反對黨身分開始,所以如今只是回到了根本。

"我曾經講過:競選期間太靜了,我們到處走,選民沒甚么反應,我們覺得選民已經決定了,我們不敢講出來,是因過去兩年發生很多事情,令人民反感。" 謝寬泰說,這樣的選舉結果,沒有人猜得到,尤其是半島5個州政權落入反對黨手中,連吉隆坡也淪陷。

寬泰強調,儘管民政黨翻身很難,可是他卻是充滿信心! "幸運的是,我們還擁有本身的政治核心價值,且多年來奉行的健康政治文化及培訓領袖下,我們還是能翻身。" 他說,如今掌握檳州政權的民主行動黨,當初也是從零開始,所以民政黨還是有翻身機會。 謝寬泰希望民政黨能在下屆大選,再度取得人民的支持,重新執政檳州。 "不過,我們不希望人民是因為現任州政府做得不好,而投選我們。" 謝寬泰指出,民政黨希望人民基于認同該黨政治斗爭、文化、領導層素質及發展國家的計劃,而給予支持。 詢及民政黨要等待多久才有翻身機會時,謝寬泰說,如今最重要踏出第一步,並且給黨員明確指示。

"民政黨向來強調萬眾一心和團隊精神,所以如今我們要一起達到這個共同目標。" 對于失表內閣代表性,謝寬泰說,民政黨要在有限空間下,繼續發揮政治力量及扮演角色。 他說,這次大選成績是人民聲音,因此民政黨會尊重人民決定,並且在有限空間內發揮。 詢及民政黨內閣代表性弱的問題時,謝寬泰糾正說:"民政黨如今並不是內閣代表性弱,而是完全沒代表性。"

Monday, April 21, 2008

Don't Cheat People thru MEDIA...

YB Ong Tee Kiat , the Minister of Transportation Malaysia last few week come out on paper that he going to announce the RM46b Port Klang expenses but after few week seem like slow down and quiet already.... what happen?? Tee Kiat, Tee Kiat I think lot of peoples putting hope on you but now it seem like same as others so call 'YB'... hope our Dare to speak YB.... can announce and let people know what actually happen to the Port Klang.... don't like DAP YBs just try to attract people by just throwing out some issue without solution .... such as School not allow to hang up CM picture but actually CM picture not yet ready, KOMTAR using RM100m for 7 toilet but actually for lot of renovation and upgrading work, NEW GOV EXCO not buying new official car for EXCO but actually that car not for EXCO is for department head.... DONT TRY TO BE HERO of MEDIA..... Act what is true and think before go to media... # 21 Apr

Power..... Position....

Why a position or so call power can make people crazy? Just few months after General Election all kind of human character emerge in-front of us... All those so call LEADER not even know how to respect the people decision, and the Liberalization and Democratization. Everywhere or country sure must have ruling and opposition party, you not in ruling then must be at opposition so every party must play their own effective role as what people decide, come back after that, Don't cheating people by giving the reason that for the betterment of penang, all that kind of nonsense just because want to make himself feel better and actually is for his own interest and the Position and power offer. So this kind of Leader should us RESPECT???? 23 Apr

Friday, April 11, 2008


11 Apr; time really fly very fast... after first post this is a week after, since now waiting for my flight at LCCT I got lot of time to write some here... I just finish my 4 days holiday at Singapore, now transit at LCCT then back to Penang. In this 3 difference town can see lot of people in this small world... why certain people so relax in their life and some seem like very busy?? What we have is the same 24 hours.... that is life... when we are young we should go more places to learn and see the way people and the living style in their country; we can actually see lot and learn lot. go traveling no necessary with a group of people, and don't every time just go shopping complex or mall, we should go the village or people stay's places... my classmate ask me "why you come Singapore alone" ha-ha my answer why can't I? Actually I really enjoy single life, no need to wait and waste time, after wake up or when you want to wake up also never mind, with myself I walk lot of places see lot of buildings, structure, etc... So youngster go out of your hometown and go wherever you like, don't worry... don't every time just go clubbing also lah... must take care of our self so that we can go further more journey, like Airasia slogan "NOW EVERYONE CAN FLY" so "NOW EVERYONE CAN GO ANYWHERE" wow too long already.. Ha-ha end here.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Can We Change our Living Environment / Standard???

10 Apr times really fly very fast, already 1 month past after the 12th GE, everything change... but can we put hope on this new government to change our lifestyle?? I am at Raffles City starbuck, look at the quality of life here compare with Penang and Kuala Lumpur very different, when can our living place become like others cities?? peoples here and tourist like to walk around the city and even anywhere of Singapore you won't feel lost, you will enjoy the scenery although under the sun, maybe we don't have any transport here and feel relax because no work stress... I start love this Singapore city.... but I don't think I will be here, unless I want to change in my lifestyle... give out all the think in Penang... no matter how I still love Penang, love my friends and love my buddies... anyway we as citizen also must take initiative to change... let start with changing our mind set by don’t simply throw rubbish and simply stop or park the car on the roadside illegally. End here... back penang tmr.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


8/4 Malaysiakini come out an article show that 2/3 of peoples hope BN will merge into a party do you think it is suitable?? i personally feel if the 14 parties merge into 1 party it is very difficult to happen because the attitude of UMNO leadership peoples can not accept it anymore. if individual party contest using their own party logo it maybe can save few party like Parti Gerakan, MCA and others party. so if all merge into 1 and finally all position taken by "UMNO" so what for you'll merge into 1.. so Parti Gerakan or MCA you'll need to struggle for your own party not BN.... contest under you party then join to be government like Sabah & Sarawak .... all the best.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


6/4 Miracle life... this few days, I see peoples die although few minute he is alive.

Some not responsible young guys just drop the baby easily... that a LIFE.... some keep fighting with their cancer and so on, but some can just finish their life by killing themself.

Life no Take 2.... Why some of the peoples do not appreciate whatever god give? like what I read today paper, 4pm something still can talk and suddenly or within an hour that life gone already, very scary to those who still life but it maybe be is a good ending for those who fighting with cancer... anyway stop here, this topic too sad but I hope that those still in this world must always appreciate what we have currently because we do not know what will happen even next few minute...

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Help us before the retrench crisis

5/4/08... After changing the new government, lot of news ... good news and bad news... GOOD is hehe compounds cancel it... dick out all the corruption cases... but recently news not so good... such as rapid bus issue, open tender... and the most important are retrench of factory workers, although that sure will happen or plan to happen since last year but without new investor how and where the penangites shld go?? Out of Penang to others places?? penang since Tun Dr Lim, he started the FTZ, to create the work opportunity for penangites and follow by Tan Sri Dr Koh to Keep Reinventing and also Keep the investor in Penang by offering lot of benefit to investor to keep invest in Penang, upgrade the factory from laboring to R&D and high-tech factory .. Ha-ha so called "Rice to Change Potato" and now is our New CM Lim Guan Eng to get new investor and also keep investor in Penang for the Penangites especially who hopping a lot but our youngster to this New Government DAP led Gov..... Help our Penangites and all the best...

Friday, April 04, 2008

New Blogger......

4 April 2008 is a mark of start for me as blogger ... I actually don’t know how to blog, but just try and JUST CHANGE the lazy life style... I think it always never too late as long as we take initiative to start. Hope that the senior of blogger give me your opinion and suggestions... give me sometime to learn, like our Penang New Government also need time to catch up... end here.