Our Keadilan Chinese's People Rep made the FIRST in history...... 1st non Malay YB wearing Malay Costume for his very 1st day in Dewan Undangan Negeri... is he promoting Malaysia Malaysian?? If he wants to promote multiracial Malaysia he should wear Chinese Costume??? What wrong? Which education system in Malaysia said that Malaysia Malaysian's costume is Malay Costume??? If futures PKR ruling the country then will him same like Hishammuddin wave the KERIS??? Or this Jason Ong wants to be outstanding among the ruling party rep?? Or else reporter focuses others YBs and don't highlight him?? People Rep is for Publicity purpose or brings people voice into Dewan?? Which is more important??
(顺带一提,1986年大选,当时的马青总团长纪永辉竞选吉隆坡新街场区,对手是行动党的陈国伟。当时那里流传一份传单,内容是一张纪氏头戴宋谷帽,在皇宫接受元首册封的照片,在旁则写着 “戴宋谷的马青总团长”和“你相信出卖民族尊严的人吗?”选举的结果是纪氏败给了陈国伟。)
Yalah All this PR people LAH there is why they call it PR, movie a lot but actually have nothing, complaint a lot but do nothing, fuck people a lot but never fuck their own, this PR People, oh maybe they are PUB PR
Obviously, his main intention was to make himself as the most OUTSTANDING NEW ADUN this round!
Nothing else to explain further!
They should not have double standard... just have to imagine, if a chinese BN ADUN wears like him... What will happen? I think DAP & PKR will sure make tons of unhappiness or noise?! Don't you think so?
They should stop all kind of double versions of comments!
Tonite 5 May i attended a dinner, Our YB Jason Ong also there, in his speech he said nothing wrong he wearing this malay costume, he can wear anything, maybe will wear Cheong Sam, Indian Costume to attend Dewan to show that in this Multicutural society. He also said he wont show keris like UMNO, so after 8 March change then only Hisham apologies or else UMNO never apology, that is great change of people.
Can we classify him as a person of NO principles? and/or No codes of practice in life?
Sad to see...
Dear bro asian-fello,
Maybe we should forgive people who may have underlying psychiatric disorder eg maniac or hypomaniac.
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